
    Empty Trail – Somewhere (Single 2020)

    Expression of one’s raw and primal self should not be an
    empty pursuit, but rather be one filled
    with unbridled passion. Introspection sometimes takes place
    in the parts of oneself that are kept
    private and quiet, shadowed by social conditioning that offers
    the deceiving sense of safety and
    The voice of Empty Trail is loud, bellowing deep within the
    soul of the three-piece Hard Rock
    band that calls Austin, Texas its home. And Empty Trail wants
    its voice heard.
    Singer/guitarist Rick Lambert originally began the concept of
    the band as a personal project
    during his stint in Los Angeles. After recording his first EP,
    entitled Obscured, while roaming the
    City of Angels, He decided to relocate to Austin after recruiting
    drummer Rom Gov and bassist
    Shane Wallin in the fall of 2016.
    “I wanted something that sounded grungey but with a modern
    sonic appeal,” explains Lambert.
    “Bands like Soundgarden and Alice in Chains with an added
    twist definitely came to mind.”

    source 666MrDoom

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