
    Gravkväde – GRAV​|​RUIN (Full Album 2020)

    GRAV​|​RUIN (2020)
    Swedish Black Funeral Art since 2016.
    Själadöd 00:00
    Av Hopplösheten Förtärd 12:58
    Medvetandets Ruiner 22:12
    Begravningskör 26:12
    GRAV|RUIN is our second full length album and picks up where GRAV|ASKA left off. We have once again worked with the blending of black metal, funeral doom and dark ambient into a dark and depressing mixture.

    This is also the first album we have written as a full band. We feel that the result of this rather intense creative process comes closer to what has always been the main vision of Gravkväde – to capture the purest essence of bleakness and sorrow without making any compromises.

    The songs on GRAV|RUIN stand out as heavier, darker, and more well written than any of our previous work. As always, everything is recorded and produced by us alone, thus creating a more authentic and intimate experience.

    1. Själadöd (Soul death)

    Själadöd explores the theme of inevitable existential suffering as an essential part of the human experience. Sound wise, we believe this song best captures the overall sense and feel of Grav|Ruin as a whole. This is one of the reasons why we chose this song to start the album off.

    2. Av Hopplösheten Förtärd (Devoured by hopelessness)

    Standing out as our fastest and most intense track to date, Av Hopplösheten Förtärd deals with the subject of fear and desperation. The writing process behind both the lyrics and instrumentation of this track was somewhat different to how we have worked in the past, which we think gave the song a very oppressive and haunting quality.

    3. Medvetandets Ruiner (The ruins of consciousness)

    A four-minute ambient piece serving as a form of interlude between the first and second half of the album. This song makes use of the ‘’space cello’’, a DIY-instrument that generates some rather dark and heavy sounds.

    4. Begravningskör (Funeral Choir)

    This 19-minute trance inducing journey through sorrow is the final track of the album. Begravningskör takes on a more diverse structure than the other songs, shifting between crushingly slow doom and furious black metal parts. The lyrics describe the cycle of life and death from a very expansive perspective, thoroughly depicting the process of birth, life and death.

    ”GRAV|RUIN serves as a meditation on what’s underneath consumerist escapism. It rips open the veil of the pretenses of modern life. The hollow distractions that entreat us to turn aside from taking too long a look at cold, gray reality. All it’s asking us to do is be brutally, gut-wrenchingly honest with ourselves.” – Metal Injection
    released November 30, 2020

    Gravkväde, Ingmar Bergman, Fanny Vedin, Death Until Death.

    Source 666MrDoom

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