
    Roivanen will publish a video diary of the music of her debut EP

    During February, Tiia Roivanen will publish a series of video works under the name Roivanen from the songs of the SOOMA-EP released in November. He calls Svart Records ’weekly YouTube ensemble a visual diary that brings the already released SOOMA to life in a new way. According to the artist, the album deals with “escape and the difficulty of encountering emotions, stagnant images that feel like wading”. The purpose of the video works is to come close and become compulsively encountered. According to Roivanen, visuality has always been an important part of SOOMA’s journey.

    She started the diary by recording material from various missed projects. The material, which consisted of 2018–2020, formed strata and moments that are connected by “attachment to distances, glances that come from within, everyday and dreamy encounter stories”. Roivanen wants the video works to be part of the whole and let them be intuitive images. According to him, “the body is a compost of mind and experience that creates something new in a constant circulating change with the environment”. The visual diary now being published has been photographed and directed by Tiia Roivanen. Ida Lindgren acted as the second assistant photographer and Veera Lukkarinen was responsible for the graphic implementation of the whole. The first part of the series can be found here:

    Svartronix, a sub-brand of Svart Records focusing on electronic and rhythmic music, released Tiia Roivanen’s debut EP SOOMA, which operates under the name Roivanen, digitally on 13 November 2020. The publication has been produced by Karin Mäkiranta. The album features Helmi Tikkanen (bass and cello), drummer Mikko Maijala and Elias Riipinen with violins.

    Roivanen: SOOMA-EP (Spotify)

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