
    The Acid Machine – S.O.S BRAZIL (Full Album 2024)

    Sā€‹.ā€‹Oā€‹.ā€‹S BRAZIL (2024)
    #instrumental #psychedelic #stonerrock
    Above The River 00:00
    High & Wild (feat Color For Shane) 04:08
    Gentle Nature Washing The Souls 09:15
    You Didn’t See The Bodies In The Mud 13:10
    Lost my Job, Lost my House 17:21
    Burn All The Politicians 22:54
    Mother Earth’s Revenge 26:36
    One of the most devastating catastrophes to ever strike the south of Brazil. The deluge of rains, exacerbated by the relentless march of climate change, has transformed the landscape of Rio Grande do Sul (OUR HOME) into a scene of unimaginable sorrow and despair. Leaving more than 600,000 people homeless. (It’s in all the newspapers)

    The rivers, surged to unprecedented levels, with waters rising a staggering 5.33 meters above their usual banks. In the heart of our state, some inland towns witnessed the terrifying spectacle of rivers swelling nearly 40 meters above, swallowing whole communities beneath a tide of mud and debris. Today, swathes of our cities lie submerged beneath the murky waters, with nearly 70% of Porto Alegre city now resembling an brown sea.

    To help our people in their darkest moments, we, as musicians, decided to support the cause. Through the release of our album, “S.O.S BRAZIL” we aim to rally support and resources for the souls left homeless and destitute by this tragedy.

    The gravity of the situation is the worst. Entire cities have been wiped off the map, their existence erased in the merciless onslaught of nature’s fury. The world stands witness to the devastation that has befallen Rio Grande do Sul, with even the Holiness, the Pope, offering words of solace and support in the face of such unimaginable loss.

    Yet, amidst the despair, there shines a glimmer of hope. From across the globe. Icons of the entertainment world, such as BeyoncĆ© and Guns N’ Roses, have stepped forward to offer their aid, demonstrating that this tragedy transcends borders and touches the hearts of all who bear witness to its devastation.

    Now, we implore you to join us in our mission. By purchasing our album, you are not merely acquiring a collection of songs; you are extending a lifeline to those in dire need. Let the melodies within serve as a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the power of unity in the face of adversity.

    Together, let us make a difference.

    BBC NEWS :

    *** All money raised from the album “S.O.S BRAZIL” will be donated to the victims of the floods in Rio Grande do Sul. ***
    released May 24, 2024

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