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“This is a song where the music and the lyrics are a perfect match,” explains guitar player Jon Nunez in the accompanying article. “It’s as if they were meant to go together. What I was going through at the time really came through in the song, and the music I gave Steve definitely brought out some rather painful emotions for him [regarding] losing loved ones and the process you go through after. You could even hear a quiver in Steve’s voice, and it was like, ‘Wow, this is something we haven’t done before.’ Steve tends to be really secretive with his lyrics. He needed a little bit of a push, but I think deep down inside he wanted to get this off his chest.”
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Wake up
There’s no one around
And I find ways to hide
Yes, I will pretend
I don’t need to love again
Look away
We don’t meet eyes
I said it’s fine
You will survive
Yes, I will pretend
I don’t need to love again
I won’t get left behind
My overwhelming mind
The fence is up for reasons
I cannot share that side
Yes, I will pretend
I don’t need to love again
Still, I will pretend
I don’t need to love again
source Relapse Records