Exploring a hard, direct and aggressive palette ‘Fuck You’ is the latest from South African psych-rock 4-piece, We Kill Cowboys.
“Songs about feminism, drugs, love…everything you can just about relate to” – Underground Press
“Awash in red lights and smokey appeal” – Texx and The City
“A sonic punch that resonates deep within the soul” – rocknloadmag
“Intoxicating melodies and unapologetic energy” –
“Gritty, street-smart numbers” –
P&C 2024 Mongrel Records
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#wekillcowboys #fyou #alternative #alternativerock #psychrock #eff
Mongrel Records aims to present the finest heavy music and associated lifestyle programming from the emerging African underground, focusing predominantly on the fiery South African scene. A mixed bag of utterly intense and enjoyable tunes and inserts, so bite down hard!