
    American Dharma – COSMOSIS (Full Album 2020)

    COSMOSIS (2020)
    American Dharma explores a new direction for heavy music, combining the momentum of hardcore punk and thrash, the mass of grunge and doom, with the light and shade of jazz and progressive rock.
    American Dharma
    Waynesboro, Pennsylvania
    Ascension 00:00
    Boundless 01:27
    Damaged Coda 07:38
    Gemini 15:05
    Horizon 20:25
    Island 25:26
    Life Vest 28:51
    Loose Ends 32:10
    Lost and Found 37:39
    Open Eyes 42:26
    Polarity 48:00
    Talk to Me 52:26
    Temple 57:26
    You 01:02:20
    First full length album, COSMOSIS, by American Dharma, launched second half of 2020.

    Welcome to Spaceship Boundless!

    Now begins your journey through the depths of heights of COSMOSIS!

    Let us begin with our ‘Ascension’.

    In these 14 tracks, we explore a variety of approaches to modern rock music, while celebrating the roots from whence these inspiration spring: from the momentum of hardcore punk and thrash, to the mass of grunge and doom, and the light and shade of jazz, and progressive rock.

    90s rock fans will find themselves at home with this playlist, as vibes of alternative and grunge rock, metal, thrash, and punk can be found throughout, even jazz and progressive rock have their moments. Call it stoner rock, call it hard rock or grunge or metal with hints of punk roots, we just call it DUNJ! At least for this album…

    And so it is through these 14 tracks that we rock in celebration of the American soul and the art of rock itself, born through hard toil and the celebration of rising together, for the heartful, soulful unification of our various diverse selves, and ultimately, that the children of tomorrow may harken to the revelation of our vast potential portended by the term, Cosmosis, the self-grokking direct experience we all may yet have capacity for, of the cosmos coming to awareness of itself through aspects of itself, such as us. Say hwat?

    Really, we just came to rock.

    Launch down commences in t-minus 10 – 9 – 8 …

    Enjoy the ride!

    American Dharma

    PS – name your price for COSMOSIS! If you enjoy, share the music! There are other ways to share gratitude and help us rise to near healthily integrated personalities, such as thank you notes, stalking, or better yet, not stalking. Come out to a show tho, and buy a t-shirt or a beer for a thirsty band member, and we will fight orcs and walgreen employees to the death for you, if such creatures were to attack you for any reason at one of our shows, we would fight them in your honor. With our own bare hands, we would smash our bodies into herds of brachiosauruses.

    Such is our joy for your joining us in these hopeful endeavors.

    Thank you. See you soon!
    released December 1, 2020

    American Dharma band
    guest vocalist: Cin Beach

    Source 666MrDoom

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