Marilyn Manson reveals the release of a brand-new studio record with the sharing title We Are Chaos. Due out September 11th globally, it's consisted...
Daal Dazed announced their debut release, a self-titled 3-song 12” EP! It’s a raw and bluesy hard rocker featuring bottleneck guitars and a percussion...
'Atmosphere' by Tom Amoriello from his self titeld debut Album.
Source H42Records
H42 Records is a small and independent music label based in Hamburg, focused...
Third single from AMORIELLOs self titled debut album feat Mike Vescera on vocals.
Neo-Classical Hard Rock Project AMORIELLO–launched by renown guitarist, educator, and author Tom...
Holy Man - The second single of AMORIELLOs debut Album (Release Decemner 7th, 2018)
Lyrics by Thomas Amoriello
Music by T. Amoriello & M. Boals
Guitars: Tomas...