
    Fleeting Arms – Fleeting Arms (Full Album 2020)

    Fleeting Arms (2020)
    Stoner Blues Metal with a side of Grunge! From Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
    Fleeting Arms
    Edmonton, Alberta
    On the Way Down 00:00
    Soulless 03:55
    Day Trippin’ 09:09
    Rust 12:40
    Bridges Burning 20:40
    Dig My Grave 27:21
    Into the Sun 35:17
    Demons Within 41:31
    A Newfoundlander, a Metis, an Inuit, and a drummer walk into a bar… But this ain’t no fricken joke from Uncle Bill! It’s actually Fleeting Arms loading their gear into your local music venue.
    Fleeting Arms happens to be a stoner blues metal band from the most northern metropolis in North America. These Edmontonians have been a band for well over a decade and this album was a staggering twelve years in the making!
    The lead in Edmonton’s water procures Coal Riepma’s raspy voice, reminding me of a bygone era where Staley, Cobain, and Zack de la Rocha raged the airwaves. CJ King of local legendary Quietus, tears it up with his complex bass riffs that hit all seven chakras at once with auditory orgasms. Gerald Kisoun is the Jimi Hendrix from up north, delivering heavy psych guitar riffs and soulful acoustic guitar arrangements. T has his game in order and delivers some of the grooviest drums of his extensive catalogue.
    Be prepared for the amalgamation of three vastly different genres blended into one unique piece of CAN-CON. I hope their band name isn’t a foresight into the future, because I don’t wanna see any flailing arms running off into the sunset anytime soon! I can’t wait for more from Fleeting Arms.
    -The Voodoo Architect
    released January 17, 2020

    Gerald Kisoun-Guitar, acoustic guitar, backup vocals
    CJ King-Bass, backup vocals
    T-triangle, drums
    Coal Riepma- lyrics and vocals
    Voodoo Architect-recording, mixing, and mastering

    source 666MrDoom

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